Do I really need a Yoga Block?


You've just gotten yourself a yoga mat, but what about all these other accessories. Do you really need a yoga block?


This is something most yogi's ask themselves so you're not alone! Many students feel props like yoga blocks are a sign of weakness, which is of course silly!


Here are some of our favourite uses for yoga blocks:


1. Hip Release

When in a seated position, you'll notice your hips are all bunched up because your knees rise above your hip line. Sitting on a block provides space for your hips to lengthen. Some poses where you can try using a yoga block; lotus, half lotus and hero pose.


2. Bring the Floor to You

You look around the class and everyone is limber and hitting that flying crow pose with ease…but you can't even reach the floor with your hands! We all have different body proportions and poses like this can come naturally for some. But for difficult poses like these, it's all about progresion and baby steps! One way to do this is to bring the floor to you with a set of yoga blocks. Start at the high setting, then medium, low and finally…the floor! Some poses blocks can be helpful for; flying crow, hanumanasana (split pose) and trikonasana (triangle pose).


3. Keeping your Arms and Shoulders in Check

We love using blocks in positions where shoulders and arms need to be kept wide apart. Blocks make sure they stay that well and muscles are properly engaged. When in a chair position, place a block between your palms and squeeze…you feel that? It really takes your practice to another level. Some other poses we love for this; locust pose, warrior 1 and tree pose with arms overhead.


4. Melt into your Pose

Blocks are great when you need to surrender to a pose and relax - in your Yin practice or just when you're parked in front of Netflix! They can both provide support or trigger pressure points so you can melt into your pose. One we love is a neck release position where you rest the back of your head on the block and gently roll the neck left and right so that the edge of the block relaxes the muscles. Other positions we love; supported bridge, supported fish.